The International Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education (IJSFLE) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original articles in the areas of education, teaching, and learning of foreign/second language. It is particularly keen to help make connections between various relevant disciplines, theories, scholarly discourses, and research methods.
The primary objective is to disseminate scholarly knowledge and information on the development of second and foreign language education.
The journal welcomes the most recent theoretical, methodological, and pedagogical insights on foreign and second language education in diverse educational settings and situations, falling within or beyond the below topics:

  • Word and grammar: Experimental and theoretical perspectives
  • Language acquisition
  • Diversity and universal linguistics
  • General linguistics
  • Neurobiological and evolutionary approaches to language
  • Interdisciplinary perspectives on multilingualism
  • Innovation in language teaching and learning
  • Foreign language teaching and applied linguistics
  • Second language acquisition
  • Language acquisition and learning
  • Social dimensions of language assessment
  • Language education
  • Language curriculum development
  • Language program evaluation at work: Uses, frameworks, methods, examples
  • Intercultural education
  • Language testing and assessment
  • Language program evaluation
  • Course and syllabus design
  • Language planning and policy
  • The role of technology in second and foreign language education