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This study examines how servant leadership affects corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices and its dimensions (corporate commitment, governance, environmental protection, and social contribution) in the Egyptian tourism industry, focusing on Hilton and Four Seasons. Quantitative research with 386 participants was conducted. Spearman correlation, CFA, path coefficient analysis, model quality of fit, and Fornell-Larcker criterion were used for data analysis. The links between servant leadership and CSR factors were examined using SEM. A positive and significant correlation was found between servant leadership and all CSR aspects. In the Egyptian tourism industry, servant leaders can positively influence an organization's commitment to sustainable and socially responsible business practices by prioritising stakeholder well-being, fostering ethical practices, and promoting a culture of responsibility.


Servant leadership Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Tourism industry Egypt Sustainable Development

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How to Cite
Abdelraouf, M., & Muharram, F. (2024). The Impact of Servant Leadership on Corporate Social Responsibility: Insights from Egyptian Tourism Organizations. Journal of Advanced Research in Leadership, 3(1), 19–43.